
A sample of comments from members …

Structured Exam was a Learning Experience

"It was a learning experience going through the ABLS structured exams. Starting from the basic scientific concepts of lasers to the high-end usage of lasers and future concepts, these are discussed in the study materials provided. I had taken the written examinations step-by-step so as to have ample time to understand the theory in between the clinical practice information.

The oral examination was also simplified through the online video conferencing, and a wide array of my clinical practice and experiences were discussed. This gave me an insight into further enhancing my practice guidelines.

I wish to thank the Board for enrolling me and providing me the necessary knowledge in this field."

Thanks and regards,
Dr James Z., M.D.

Oral Exam was Friendly and Professional

"I wanted to extend my deep appreciation to the ABLS. All of the stages of the ABLS process have been passed very smoothly. I found the laser physics and tissue interaction chapters challenging and the study material very informative. The written examination was also very challenging and the required scores were high even with the open book facility, so it ensures that the ABLS certificate holders are very qualified.

I truly enjoyed the oral examination, and it was conducted in a friendly and professional manner. The ABLS certification is an excellent experience and I surely will recommend it to my colleagues."

Best Wishes,
Dr. Nancy L.

Medicine is an Apprenticeship

"I would never rely on treatment parameters supplied by the company (when buying a new laser). Their settings are called, in the industry, 'Safe Start' protocols. Typically safe for the laser not to burn … but minimally clinically effective.

My advice would be to understand fundamentals of laser physics and learn the practice the way medicine has always been learned. Medicine is an apprenticeship. One learns from other physicians, medical schools, and professional scientific meetings, etc. Thanks to modern advances, some of this can be achieved through online learning.

The ABLS List Serve forum is a good example …. I find the idea of walking into a physician's office and selling them a laser to start using the following week appalling, if such physician has no training in laser physics …"

Dr. Clement B.
Maryland, USA